By incorporating hand-stained designs into custom glass windows and door glass, you can add a distinct exterior accent that reflects your personal style and enhances the appeal of your home’s façade.
To create your unique window or door glass design, you can combine any of the 11 available Inspirations™ Art Glass designs with one of five color palettes, as well as select the desired shapes and configurations.
Every piece of Inspirations Art Glass is filled by hand, resulting in various natural effects such as color variations and striations, which resemble stained glass and should not be seen as defects, but as an inherent characteristic of a handmade product.
Resin Bead
Color Fill
Our Promise
Inspirations™ Designs
ProVia’s Inspirations™ Art Glass empowers homeowners to incorporate their unique personality into their home’s design with custom art glass doors and windows.
Choose from our collection of 11 designs and five color palettes to create an exterior home accent that distinguishes your house from the rest. Personalize your home with the colors you desire. Let us know if we can help to create a personalized color palette.